Just recently, I was able to spend a few days in Jamaica with Michelle and a handful of friends. With beautiful weather and a resort package, my Irish back and belly were Red Striped. Four days were probably ample. Plenty ample. Blessed with a 16-hour travel day home[i] it gave me sufficient time to ponder the current bull market. We just celebrated the 9-year anniversary of the March 9, 2009 market low. By most historical measures, it is the 3rd longest in recorded history.[ii] This definitely helps the overall wealth effect but it also creates special challenges. One of which is an outperforming stock becoming an over-weighted portfolio lever. While we admire the courage to let your winners run, there comes a time to ask the question: now what?
We would consider an over-weighted stock to be anything over 8-10% of cumulative investments – some would argue even less than that. This does not include mutual funds because, by their very nature, they are diversified. These investment winners breed attachment. They become a loyal family member. Even if they are held in a tax advantaged retirement account, divesture becomes emotionally difficult. Sell is a four-letter word. More on that later. But what about dealing with a low-cost basis stock and large imbedded, taxable gain? Let’s assess some strategies that may soften the separation anxiety.